I have been told off - the in-laws asked this morning why I hadn't written anything recently. The main reason being not that much to say or to update with. Having said that I am like a metronome. One minute all excited and desparate to leave, the next all messed up with panic attacks and feelings of time slipping away with still so much to do.
Good things - I have a bike maintenance course booked and sorted - three days and I think targeted towards the cycle tourer; savings still building nicely; jabs going well.
Bad things - struggling to find a second lodger; state of the pound; still worried about the dogs - (more photos to come of the best reason not to go).
You know five minutes ago I had a really long list of bad things but now it seems not so bad at all just not sure if they really weren't that important or whether I simply can't remember them.
Things on the agenda at the moment: lodger - we have had someone show an interest and she is coming around tomorrow night so fingers crossed. Whether to buy another camera -point and shoot to compliment the slr. Want a Panasonic FX35 but am struggling to convince Bridget that its necessary. Medication. Bridget is working on getting us some antibiotics etc and we are trying to work out to get the cheapest malaria tablets. We are thinking of going for the more expensive Malarone and think Boots on-line seems to be the cheapest - a lot lot cheaper than Masta.
We're doing well on purchasing what we need. Main things now are insurance, solar charger, new helmet for Bridget, and new cycling shoes for Bridget. There's loads of other as well like all the maintenance stuff for the bikes etc but we're pretty much there now. The next thing is to try to fit in all in the panniers and start discarding no doubt.
One thing Bridget and I are in dispute about is a leaving party. She wants one. I'm not so bothered. Happy to go quietly into the good night. More to come on this no doubt.
Finally for now I'm not sure whether the dogs sense that we up to something but they are being extremely loving at the moment. I enclose some more photos which again illustrate why it will be so difficult to leave them.